
Thursday, March 5, 2020

High School Art Throw Back Thursday

I've started moving my outdoor studio into a spare room in my house, since my outdoor studio is out of commission. My husband built that studio and I've always loved it, but I think the move indoors will be a good one. I'll have everything close by for whenever I want to get creative, and everything will be temperature controlled--unlike my outdoor studio, which only had A/C when I was out there using it. So, I ended up with lots of supplies getting ruined and thrown out. I'll still keep my stained glass supplies and some other odds and ends I don't use as much outside though, so the building will still get some use. I'm looking forward to getting a new indoor creative space though!

As I've been moving stuff inside, I look in wonder at all of the supplies and projects I've amassed over the years...all the way back to my high school art days. I have a small collection of projects from my high school Ceramics class, so I thought I'd share those as a Throwback Thursday post.

First up, a simple slab pot with a 2-color glaze. It's not very impressive, I grant you. But it's functional, and I like the colors. It's the perfect size for paintbrushes or pens.

High School Ceramics - Art Chick Studio

This next one is a texture pot. We had to create a stamp and use it to create texture on a pot. I have absolutely no idea why I created that particular stamp design. LOL. But I love the colors on the pot.

High School Ceramics - Art Chick Studio

This one was a pot created with a large, smooth rock used as a hump mold. We draped a slab over the rock to create the shape of the bowl, and created a simple slab pedestal to raise it up. I think we used a white underglaze, which we carved a design into. Then used a clear glaze on top. 

High School Ceramics - Art Chick Studio

High School Ceramics - Art Chick Studio

This last one was my mom's favorite. She had most of these high school art pieces at her home ever since I was in high school--up until the day she passed away in 2012. But the koala was her absolute favorite. It was actually my ceramics teacher's favorite too. He had it on display for quite awhile. I honestly don't think it's that great, especially since I was in high school when I made it. But hey, Mom loved it, so that was enough for me. 

High School Ceramic Koala - Art Chick Studio
I think I've improved a lot since then, even though Ceramics has never really been my thing. I took a few Ceramics classes in college too, and always enjoyed getting creative with the clay. And I taught high school ceramics for five years too. I really enjoyed that. But I definitely wasn't meant to be a potter. I think the photos explain why. ;)