
Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Outlander Digital Art for Summer

Of late I have been starting to get ready for my new school year, so I've not been in the studio. But here and there I have squeezed in some Outlander Digital Art that I thought I'd share today. I know, I know...I'm a wee bit obsessed with Outlander. I cannae help myself. At any rate, here are some of my latest digital creations, in honor of the love between Jamie and Claire Fraser.

This first one is based on one of my favorite and very simple quotes from the Outlander book series. "It has always been forever for me." Seven simple words that say a whole heck of a lot! I liked this art so much that I used it as the header image for my Twitter account. Any sassenachs who visit my Twitter page will instantly know I love Outlander.

Outlander Digital Art - It Has Always Been Forever for Me

This next one features another simple quote, "I was born for you." When you read the Outlander series, you have to appreciate Diana Gabaldon's gift of words. She is a talented wordsmith to be sure--and the sheer length of her books is testament to that fact. But every once in awhile she writes something so simple, but at the same time something that expresses so much about the love between Jamie and Claire. This quote is one of those times.

Claire and Jamie Outlander Art I was born for you.

This next one features a quote that is really about the passion between Jamie and Claire. I didn't want to focus on the physical nature of that passion though. Rather, I focused on the separation of Jamie and Claire by time--and how that longing to be together could not be stopped. Not even by 200 years. So this art features the standing stones at Craigh na dun. The quote, "Does it ever stop, the wanting you? Even when I've just left ye, I want you so much my chest feels tight and my fingers ache with wanting to touch ye again." Wow. Is it hot in here?

Claire and Jamie Outlander Art Craigh na Dun

Lastly, this next digital art features my second favorite redhead (the first being my husband), James Fraser. His love for Claire is is so deep and abiding that he professes its depth in his soul. "And when my body shall cease, my soul will still be yours. Claire--I swear by my hope of heaven, I will not be parted from you."

Jamie Fraser - Outlander - I Will Not Be Parted From You

This is the stuff of wonderfully romantic historical fiction. It's the stuff that makes JAMMF such a captivating icon. And it's all thanks to Diana Gabaldon. To say that the Outlander series is a 'good read' is kind of an understatement. You don't really read these books, you live in them. And this is precisely why they, along with the TV series, inspire my creativity.

Sadly, there are no standing stones and time travel in my future. I must return to planning for the school year. But I'm sure I'll be seeing Jamie and Claire again soon...if only in my digital art. :)