
Monday, June 4, 2018

Sunny Flower Mixed Media Painting

Well, it's been a SUPER long time since I've been able to get into my studio and do some painting. Teaching full time again takes so much time outside of school that I never seem to have any big blocks of time to get in there and get creative. But now that school is out for the summer I can finally get in there when I want to. I was in such a good, sunny mood on Sunday when I went in there that I decided to do a mixed media painting of a very sunny-looking flower! This is the result of my day's painting frenzy. 

Sunny Flower Mixed Media Painting Art Chick Studio

I primarily used acrylics for this, but I also added a little bit of Prismacolors colored pencils here and there, along with some paint pen accents. This is 11x14. I tend to work smaller when I'm not doing oils, because I work on my counter, which isn't very deep. So I try to make sure I work on a canvas that fits onto my counter space. I generally gravitate toward square canvases, but the 11x14 was calling to me yesterday.

Not sure what I'll paint next, but I was just thrilled to be able to get into my studio again!