
Monday, May 23, 2016

For the Love of Barns Digital Photos

The Hubs and I went out for a drive over the weekend, and I decided to take along my camera. I tend to do that, even though there's not always a lot to see in northwest Ohio (it's kind of flat and boring here, folks). But I got lucky this time when we happened upon some old barns as the sun was going down, so I hopped out of the car and snapped a couple of digital photos.

There were two barns, both on the same property. I took the color photos but also decided to transform them into black and white too, to see how I liked them. I actually love them both ways, but I think the black and white has a slight lead for me. Though I love the sunset glow that hits both of the barns just right. :)

Wide Barn Digital Photo

WIde Barn Digital Photo bw

Big Barn Digital Photo

Big Barn Digital Photo BW

So tell me what you think. Which pictures are your favorites? The Color? Or the Black and White? I'd love to hear from you.