
Friday, October 10, 2014

Fall Brush Trees

Destiny and I were inspired by the Fall leaves this week, so we decided that a painting of Fall Trees was in order. I thought it would be fun to use a round brush to make the tree leaves, like we did when we painted our Brush Dandelions. So I gave Destiny the brush, a canvas, some tempera paint, and a wee bit of instruction, and then she got down to painting!

Fall Brush Trees Progress

Fall Brush Trees

This time I found a better round brush for her to use--it was much easier for her to hold this one than the one with the long handle. It made it easier to dab it on the canvas. Destiny painted the tree trunk first, then used the brush to add the leaves to to the top of the tree and to the ground. She had no help from me at all! And I know I'm biased, but I think it's quite the masterpiece. :)