
Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Something Different

Recently my daughter showed me a painting she liked in a local store. She and I have very different tastes, so I didn't really care for the painting. But I knew she liked it and that's all that mattered. But rather than spend $40 on a painting that was probably made in China or somewhere, I decided to do one in a similar style myself as a gift for my daughter. And this be it. :)

Jen's Painting

The original painting had similar rings, circles and lines, but also a couple of colors my daughter didn't like. She prefers all neutrals most of the time. So I used the same kinds of rings, circles, and lines, and added a few details of my own when I created this for her. And thankfully, she liked it. 

Definitely something different than I usually paint, eh? It's definitely not my style at all, but as long as she likes it, I'm a happy painter.