
Monday, April 14, 2014

Party Animal

I only completed one art journal page this weekend. I had intended to do both The Documented Life page and the Journal52 page, but I couldn't get inspired enough by the "food box" prompt at TDL, so I just decided to skip it and do my J52 instead. The theme for that one this week is "Party Animal." So since I love kangaroos, this is what I did.

Party Animal Art Journal Page

Who doesn't love a party-going kangaroo? LOL. I also started a painting for a very special girl, my granddaughter, Destiny. She requested that I a paint Rapunzel for her, from Tangled. So I began that painting as well. It's about half way done now, and I'm hoping to finish it up next weekend. Next weekend is Easter, so that may get tricky, but I'm sure going to try. :)