
Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Trash to Treasure Chairs

I've been going through all of my photos in my house recently--and I do mean ALL my photos. Even the ones that pre-date my digital camera. I'm trying to get them all organized so they're easier to pull out and look through whenever the mood strikes. Of course, most of them are older, since more recent digital photos only get printed if I want to put them in an album, which is really the nice part about digital cameras--you only have to print the ones you want!

But anyhoots, in going through all of my photos I found a photo of some Adirondack chairs that I transformed several years ago. I thought they'd be a good Trash 2 Treasure feature here on the blog. The original (before) version wasn't really "trash." It really just needed a little TLC and a facelift, so that's what I gave it.

Trash 2 Treasure Adirondack Chairs

I had two of these chairs, both made by my father-in-law, and I loved them, even in the "before" state. But I was doing an all white theme on my front porch at the time, so I decided to paint them white, and then use some floral stencils to make them a bit more decorative. They almost had a Shabby Chic look about them. I loved how they turned out and I used them until the day my husband tore off the porch because he was putting on siding AND planning to redo the porch itself. Unfortunately, the chairs got put in storage and basically got ruined. I was not happy. But I did love them for the time that I had them. And they sure looked nice on my porch!