
Monday, July 15, 2013

Fly Mixed Media Painting

I made it into the studio yesterday (two weeks in a row, yay!) but I was so tired I wasn't very productive. My husband had gone on a camp-out with our grandson Saturday night and I've discovered that sleeping in my house alone is NOT fun for me. So I was up most of the night unable to sleep. I didn't even think I'd make it into the studio because I was just so tired, but I decided to get in there and at least try to finish this little Mixed Media painting I had started last weekend.

Fly Mixed Media

This is a 5" canvas using acrylic paint, some stenciling, and some stickers. The butterfly itself is a sticker, though I added some painted accents to it too. I love butterflies, and I love using them in my artwork. I bet my granddaughter will like this one too. :)