Poppy Painting Stage 2

If you read my last post, Poppy Painting Begins, you know I started a new painting featuring poppies as my subject. I finished stage two of the painting over the weekend so I wanted to share it.

Poppy Painting Mixed Media

Stage two was adding the color. I ended up using oil paints (my first love, in painting anyway) because I just like its blending ability a lot more. So I got all the colors on and now it needs to dry for awhile. Stage three will be adding an antiquing effect of sorts. Since the flowers and their stems are 3-D, made with tissue paper, the color I add for the antique effect will be most pronounced on the flowers. But it will help tone down the brightness of the overall painting and colors too. I could leave it this way, of course. I do like it. But I had planned the antique effect all along, so I'm planning to see it through until it's finished. Wish me luck! Will post the final photo once I have it all finished.