
Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Footsteps of the Past

I almost forgot I wanted to post a Trash 2 Treasure item this week! And my Trash 2 Treasure item started out as a very old shoe. What's left of it has become a treasure for the Hubs and me, because he found it digging in the yard during some renovations one day. So I decided to frame it and keep it.

Footsteps of the Past Trash to Treasure

I don't know what the story is behind the surviving sole of the shoe, but I like to imagine that it belonged to a child who lived in our 121-year-old house way back when it was built in 1890. Perhaps the child was playing in the yard and wanted to feel the grass between her (or his) toes, so she took off her shoes to run. But then maybe her mama called her in for dinner, and she forgot about her shoes...and one can only guess what happened to it after that. But then my hubby found it, many years later, only to have it become a treasured peek at Footsteps of the Past.