
Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Sweet Artist Trading Card

This is the final of 3 ATC’s I made for the swap at the ArtHavenCreations Yahoo Group I belong to. It is my favorite of the 3 that I made. I'm also using this an entry to the Gingersnap Creations Spicy Supply Challenge for transparencies. :)

Sweet Altered Art ATC

Again I started with a scrapbook paper background. The image is an inkjet transparency made from a vintage photo, and I used Mod Podge to adhere that to the background, just adding some along the back edges. I added a torn piece of contrasting paper near the bottom of the ATC, along with a butterfly photo image. In the top left corner I added a paper flower with a bronze/copper metal brad. Then I finished the whole thing with the alpha stickers that spell out S-W-E-E-T.

I love this ATC! It was really difficult to send it off to someone for this swap. I almost didn't! But I finally caved and mailed it to its intended recipient, along with the other two I'd made. So now my  little ATC art is in the hands of other creative artists across the country.