
Friday, April 2, 2010

3 of Hearts ATC

I happened across a couple of decks of playing cards in my studio the other day. After some careful consideration, I decided they were the perfect size with which to make ATC's. So this is my first ATC creation using a playing card, the 3 of Hearts.

3 of Hearts Altered Art ATC

I had such fun creating this one...used a big text rubber stamp for the background, and distressed it with Distress Ink, of course.  Got a great vintage fairy photo from Art Chix Studio , which was a great website to find, BTW. I was doing a search for my blog after creating it and found that site first. LOL They have some really great stuff for altered art and mixed media artists.

Anyhoots, I also added another butterfly image, to match the vintage fairy. I added some black ribbon to create some extra interest, and a red heart button to replace the heart I covered up with the fairy. I also added some heart brads, a sticker that reads, "kind," and a black button.

I had so much fun with this that I think I am going to alter the entire deck of cards, making ATC's out of every single card! That will be a nice little set. :o) But for now I'm back to the studio, working on a Michael Jackson painting for my celebrities in blue series.