
Thursday, February 25, 2010


This is my very first ever ATC (Artist Trading Card). Not sure if I followed all the rules--not that there are any ATC police to come and get me if I didn't. LOL The main requirement of an ATC is in its size; it's basically a miniature work of art and should be 2-1/2 x 3-1/2" in size. ATC's are meant to be swapped or traded, but never sold.  I really need to get making a bunch of these, so I can start doing some ATC swapping. How fun would that be? To have a grand collection of mini works of art, created not just by you, but by people from all over the world?!

My first one was created for a challenge in a Ning Community I belong to, called Scraptivate. The challenge was to create something with the theme, Taking Flight. What we created was up to us, and medium or art form. So I just decided on an ATC.

I used some scrapbooking paper to cover some illustration board. Then I found a vintage photo of an angel that I liked, which seemed like a perfect fit to the theme for the challenge. I tore the edges of the photo and Mod Podge'd it to a grungy'd up piece of card stock I had. I wanted some color, so I found a butterfly photo to add (Butterflies do fly, after all). I added a strip of grungy, ripped muslin to the bottom for texture, and added two buttons to create some depth. I added some glitter to her wing, though it's difficult to see that in the photo. The final touch was adding the word, Fly, which I stamped onto grungy paper.

Fly Altered Art ATC

One of these days, who knows, she might belong to someone on the other side of the world! Fly, indeed.